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London Art Fair: a photographic record


This was Pipe’s second consecutive trip to the London Art Fair at the Business Design Centre in Angel. As was the case in 2012, the shear amount of works on show was truly staggering; not to mention exhausting at times. However, as expected it proved to be an inspiring, thought provoking, informative and occasionally baffling experience.

Here is a selection of some of our ‘photographic’ highlights from the visit. These mainly include works from artists that we enjoyed seeing - some new(ish) to us and some old favourites.

Therefore as Picasso once said, “The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls”. Well from the cold, grimy and rather slushy streets of Islington, here is a small record of art’s ‘cleansing process’. We hope you enjoy…


Richard Estes1The great ‘Photorealist’ Richard Estes and his print D-Train(1988), on display at Sims Reed. Seeing these ‘in the flesh’ was one of the many highlights for us at this year’s Fair


Paul Hill1Paul Hill, a photographic artist whose work although new to me I have come to appreciate. His work here is titled, If I Do You Will Only Want More(1975 and 2010). This image was a part of Photo50 at the London Art Fair


Sirkka-Liisa Konttinen1 Sirrka-Liisa Konttinen’s photographs Kendal Street(1969)(left) & Man gesturing in a demolished street(1971), from his project Byker. All included in the Photo50 exhibition  


Eastern Pavilions Print Portfolio1 Eastern Pavilions Print Portfolio, one of the many ‘Art Projects’ whose work and approach to the curation and ‘hang’ of their exhibits, we found interesting


Francois Dreulle1Alistair Gray1

Francois Dreulle, Untited(1963)  Alistair Gray, Inside(2008)


Tim Shaw1108 Fine Art is a gallery we recommend. This work, cast in bronze by Tim Shaw, Funerary Figures caught our attention especially


John Bryne1Blowin’ Wild, a self-portrait of the artist John Byrne. I have seen him in this very pose quite recently in fact - whilst walking around Edinburg’s windy streets


Marcus Rees Roberts1The dark, textured imagery of Marcus Rees Robert’s untitled works exhibited by Pratt Contemporary


Face1‘I shall just keep an eye on things’…(work and artist unknown – let us know if you do please?)


Thomas Lamb1 Kenneth Armitage1 

Thomas Lamb, Yuki Amongst Trees   Kenneth Armitage, Untitled(1957)

in Winter II(2012)                shown by Connaught Brown


John Stark1Charlie Smith Gallery and John Stark’s striking ‘monk’ paintings


View1A view of the ground floor, showing the Fair in full flow. I think I recognise someone - nice bag


Hockney1 This show would not be complete without a Hockney print or ten. Pictured here are his etchings’ (top)Cold Water about to Hit the Prince(1969); from his Grimm Fairy Tales series and an early etching Myself and My Heroes(1961) 


Hamidou Maiga1I was pleased to see the Jack Bell Gallery presenting some of Hamida Maiga’s studio photographs(Untitled from 1971, pictured here). These intriguing and totally stylish images help to dispel some of the myths and stereotypes about Africa – particularly concerning the period when these works were taken 


Nancy Fouts1The Fair also had its usual share of ‘glitz and tack art’ - which proved to be popular as always. In Pertwee Anderson & Gold’s stall we found Nancy Fout’s Peacemaker: Look but don’t Touch(2012). This piece certainly directly ‘connects’ with folks; that's for sure    

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