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Our friends Human Blues – “A Creator & Distributor of Images”


HB Banner

A new and dynamic artistic duo, that have been creating their own brand of dark, visually intriguing work for some time, have just started making a selection of their artworks available to buy. Human Blues have produced an overall appearance within their initial catalogue of images that encapsulates a distinctive foreboding nature and demonstrates a monochromatic flair. They create work in a variety of ways and use a range of media such as inks, painting, drawing, illustration, photography and print making. Their subjects appear to be inspired and are unpredictably different – putting an emphasis on the aesthetic and coupling it with layers of possible meanings and various connotations, which entice one to look further at, and deeper into the origins of their imagery. The eccentricity evident in these images and the overall look of their brand, I feel sets them apart from other image makers working within this vast industry of commercial print making and art reprographics.


Ad_still life A recognisable product shot from Human Blues


I do concede that a certain level of bias exists, in respect of this venture. As the title here explains, Human Blues are our friends and associates. However, these judgments – which are sincerely made – will simply have to be taken on their merits. Of course all those reading this will individually decide for themselves as to the quality and appeal of this duo’s work. In order to assist with these deliberations however (and because the work ‘visually enriches’ Pipe), we have included some of Human Bluesimages and products here for you to look through and come to your own conclusions about.



dark days_print

The image for Fine Art Print‘Dark Days’


postcard setTheir 3 Postcards from the pack, together


the outsider_still lifeThe Gift Card ‘The Outsider’, in ‘situ’


Their work can currently be bought in three new, different creations. These groups of artworks are available as gifts cards, packs of postcards and as fine art prints. All products, pricing and shipping details are available on their website & in their Etsy shop.


a faint afterglowOne of their photographic works, available as a Fine Art Print


In addition, there is also information about how you can contact them on the site. I have been reliably informed that they intend to add more artworks and possibly further products too, in the coming months. If you do have any requests or questions about their work, I am certain them would welcome these inquiries.



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